Get the latest cheats and enhancements for Pokemon Sun (US) today with PowerSaves Prime! Grab your Pokeballs and get ready to start your adventure to become the ultimate Pokemon Master and catch them all! Initial code release
*All codes and enhancements for this title will be included in this Prime subscription. Codes may be added after the initial release date but will be included in this Prime subscription. When the timer expires all codes are freely available to all PowerSaves users.
Please note that to use the Powersaves Prime release codes you must already have:
by kangarused on November 29, 2016
Worked flawlessly, worth every cent. Can't wait for Nature Modifiers!!
by Dominique T on November 24, 2016
Great codes even when you guys are still making codes for the game. The codes are helping me alot.
by apriegoq on November 25, 2016
i have always enjoyed pokemon games so much thanks to you guys, im still hyped about upcoming codes specially nature ones :O
by jpblackstar96 on November 28, 2016
perfect way to help through the game when you dont have enough time to grind the early access is way worth it, thanks a ton, keep up the great job.
by DirtyJose on December 4, 2016
Setup was painless, getting a point was easy, and the product works as advertised. What else do you need to read down here? Can't wait for more updates!
by Anonymous on December 4, 2016
Great Codes guys, keep it up!!
by geenx8 on December 4, 2016
Absolutely beautiful, this saves people lots of hassles. Working flawlessly!
by Zerocheats on November 29, 2016
Way better than relying on PKHex can't wait for nature and IV modifier codes!
by markisswong on November 29, 2016
Worth it for early access. The ability to EV train your early pokemon without having to save them until end-game to select specific mobs to get the points you want it spectacular. You can also level up with rare candy to ensure correct moves are learned in lieu of using the EXP method. Great job. Looking forward to more codes. Would love to get my hands on a Mew (non-shiny) my favorite pokemon EVAR.
by SephirothduLac on November 27, 2016
Solid work. Keep up the production boys these codes are awesome. Looking forward to the next batch. Fingers crossed for happiness
by alucardLV0 on November 26, 2016
Great codes as always! Keep up updating you are the best :D
by david8mena on November 24, 2016
Awesome! Every day are coming more and more codes to improve in the game. Great!
Works great
by akadiputragmg on November 23, 2016
by melchor on December 6, 2016
These guys are amazing, specially since i don't have a lot of time to play the game. can't wait for some new codes
by Anonymous on November 29, 2016
Still hoping for nature and IV codes but love the ones out so far, you guys rock!